Sunday, April 09, 2006

Profits, Politics, and Protection

Profits, Politics, and Protection

Starting on Monday, Americans will find out how much illegal immigration will cost businesses in profits, who will be held politically accountable, and how much it will cost for real border protection.

The Market Media Matrix dictates that all activities revolve around producing a profit. The “Market” is all forms of businesses and profits. The “Media” dictates how you should “think and feel” about businesses and events. The “Matrix” is created out of the mass consciousness of people who are not free, logical thinkers.” The “Market-Media” has created the “Matrix Reality”. When I talk to people about the high rates of taxes they just shrug their shoulders and say, “what can we do about it?” They are living their lives out in quiet desperation not realizing that they have the power to hold the politicians feet to the fire and change the “Matrix.” Due to political correctness, the false Market Media Matrix reality of “Generation X” has increased the children’s confidence and self assurances without any evidence of competency with the rest of the industrial nations.

A profit at any cost is the American business motto, right? You can only judge a tree by the fruits it bears. There are many examples and anecdotal evidence offered by the liberal news media about the benefits of illegal immigrants who are doing jobs that no one else would do. What all these stories fail to mention is that most illegal immigrants are making much more than minimum wages. The average person still believes that illegal immigrants are picking strawberries and cabbages for less than minimum wages.

Illegal immigrants are being used for high paying skilled jobs, such as carpentry and masonry, landscaping, and unskilled factory work. Which according to an immigrant advocate are averaging $15 per hour! These are the jobs everyone would want not just an illegal immigrant. In all business the largest cost factor is labor. So, given the choice of hiring an American or an illegal immigrant the businesses will hire those who will work for less money. Choosing the lower labor cost has depressed all American wage earners and increased corporation’s profits. Since it is not the businesses’ job to investigate an employee’s legal citizen status businesses can in spirit of the law and the letter of the law hire just about anyone with proper paperwork. This leads to greasing the political palms to keep the charade up of guest workers, undocumented workers and a whole host of politically correct names.

Years ago, back in the 1980’s when I was in college I had to produce papers that I was an American citizen. Being a fan of the World War II movies I can hear in my mind the Gestapo saying, “Papers! Papers please. Show us your papers!”. When in the 1980’s the requirement of verifying citizenship was increased from a mere social security card or green card I was not a fan. I could not figure out why I had to show papers which could easily be stolen, copied, or forged and sold for a profit to illegal aliens. It would have been much simpler for the illegal immigrants to produce a green cardallowing them to work here. The politics of producing profits was conditioning us, the law abiding American, to carry personal identification papers.

The Pavlov Conditioning effects of the Market Medial Matrix created political power and profits to the politicians who supported the law. Flash forward twenty (20) years and we have an invading army within our borders destroying our language and culture.

After 9/11 the first act of congress was to nationalize airline security by creating another political agency to “protect the American people” from hijacking. Meanwhile, the borders were left largely unguarded! The first step that should have been taken was to close the borders and not leave them wide open. This demonstrates the political incompetence of our politicians, both Democrat and Republican. Or, was it a calculated risk to gain the fast growing minority’s votes at the expense of the complacent tax burdened American voters?

The politicians never act until there is a crisis situation. They “come to the rescue” by enacting “knee-jerk public opinion polls” to make their constituents feel better Ben Franklin said, “They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” We have been fooled again with the help of the Market Media Matrix. The immigration laws have not been enforced because of the large profit potential by employing illegal immigrants without the protection of the Labor Relation Laws. Liberal politicians would like for you to believe that every illegal immigrant is doing a job that no American would like to do. Never mind they are placing illegal immigrants in potentially abusive situations. Not only are the politicians failing to protect the immigrants, they are failing to protect Americans by allowing open borders.

Let’s look at some simple numbers for a reality check.
If there are 15 million illegal immigrants within our country working hard and paying taxes “are we to believe that there are not deviants amount them”? “The Market Media Matrix dictates that all poor people are hard-working and honest“. Unfortunately, the Market Media Matrix reality bubble bursts with FBI statistics.

If we take the normal distribution of deviate behavior of the US population we know that at least 1% will have criminal tendencies ranging from child molesters to murders. If 99% of the illegal immigrants are law abiding and 1% are criminals, How much is it costing us and our economy?

That 1% represents 150,000 potential criminals who have to be caught, prosecuted, and incarcerated. The cost to the American tax payers, include educating illegal immigrant’s children, welfare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, personal injuries, auto accidents, social security fraud, and a host of other expenses can be estimated at $40,000 per illegal immigrant. So 150,000 times $40,000 would equal $6,000,000,000 dollars.

Congress has failed to protect and uphold their oath of office. Congress should be recalled by the American people to hold their feet to the fire for allowing profits to come before this nation’s protection.

The first duties of the congressmen are to protect and preserve the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Last year there were 80 different nationalities of illegal immigrants were caught crossing the border from Mexico along with illegal immigrants. This undoubtedly is the greatest of security risk we have ever faced in our nation’s history. Yet, the Market Media Matrix has glossed over this major security flaw.

The first reasonable act of congress during a time of war should be to secure the borders. But in typical knee-jerk reaction they have created another useless government agency to help the airline industry. Profits come first in America at the expense of protection. They have created the Homeland Security Agency and the TSA to protect Americans.

These agencies provide very little protection against the massive open border policies which have been in place for the last 20 years. Congress has been complacently incompetent by incumbency. Congress’ complacency has been caused by voter’s incompetence repeatedly returning 95% of the politicians to office year-after-year. Through the help of the Market Media Matrix conditioning, the average American is polarized with stereotypical one-line sound bites. You have been so conditioned by these "one-line sound bite" you don't consciously think! You have heard these... " rich vs. poor", "Republican vs. Democrat", "White vs. Black", etc… headlines that grabs the attention of the "adults" reading at a 5th grade level.

During last week’s protest march for illegal immigrants I witnessed the silent invasion of our country’s borders by a foreign nation. Seeing all the Mexican flags paraded throughout our streets should sound the Paul Revere Alarm.

Mexican Flag and RoseImage by Edu-Tourist via Flickr

There is nothing more stirring to the American flag being raised on Iwo Jima by the marines who liberated the island from Japan during World War II. The spirit of those who fought World War II is gone today. The only worries of the Baby-boomer generation is how much profit they are going to make on their pension plans, homes, and their stock portfolios. Congress should not make any new laws. They need to follow those already in place.

The first step is having the guts to close the borders, enforce the immigration laws, and build a secure border. The next step should be to determine who and where illegal immigrants are. Once that is determined these people should be added to the waiting list of those who are legally petitioning to enter the US.

Protection of our borders should come first over politics and profits.

God Bless
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