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To think that everyone thought the internet was free, fun, and private. There were live websites where you could witness the unfiltered searches from those on the internet. One such website was, they provided viewers with entertainment value by allowing people to look at what others were searching for. However, that voyeur service which discontinued thanks to the Market Media Matrix effect.
I now receive the top searched words on the internet from WordTracker which tracks all the searched words on the internet. Why would someone track searched words? The most popular searched words are used to sell advertising of these searched words. The market Media matrix is creating profits through the internet by giving people what they want. For the Companies, they are giving people "ad words" to steer customers to their websites. For customers, they are trying to provide relevant content for a given "searched word". For webmasters, they are providing a guidelines for building websites based on what people are searching for. It is a vicious circle of creating profits through advertising and marketing.
I think the Justice Department should subscribe to the free subscription to find out what most people are searching for. The Market Media Matrix stories have the premise all wrong concerning the “Google God” reluctance to release search results in order to stop children from viewing porn sites. Remember, Google is a search engine with a huge advertising arm. Everyone who’s been around the internet more than a month knows what many people are searching for. It should be no surprise that sex is at the top of the list. The first command to man in the Bible, Genesis 1:28, was to be “fruitful and multiply“.
The Justice Department wants to protect “children from porn” by finding how prolific porn sites are. Is the Justice Department need from the "Google God" just another excuse to invade personal privacy or do they really want to protect children? I am for protecting children from porn, but against the way the Government wants to proceed.
The line between my rights of privacy and the Market Media Matrix have long ago been destroyed by the internet. The lines between government and parents rights of protection of their children has been destroyed also with the child protection laws. Now the government wants my internet search results destroying my privacy rights. Despite protest from Google, other major search engines like yahoo, AOL, and MSN have yielded to the governments requests.
Let's be clear about one thing, Google is not protecting my rights, they are protecting their rights of privacy, marketing, and advertising in the Market Media Matrix. The individual rights of privacy of the ordinary citizens were given up once you entered into the internet Market Media Matrix.
In the AGE of the INTERNET the children have adopted the technology faster than their parents. the internet has the whole world’s knowledge base just a click away. Having all knowledge integrated into one source is a two edge sword. The internet has good information and bad information. Parents are the protectors of children in the homes, however they have not taken the necessary precautions when it involves the internet. The home is where parents are the protectors, but in today's society parents have surrender protection responsibilities to others.
My niece was playing on the internet with her grandmother one day and she wanted to see what her "" would bring up. You know what happened? I could hear a scream across the state line.... Luckily, the domain name is for sale, but that brings me to my next point. .
The fundamental question is “who determines the boundaries for our children, the government or the parents.
These lines have been blurred by liberal laws ushering in an era of governmental responsibility which can turn good parents into criminals. Parents cannot discipline their children using corporal punishment without the fear of someone reporting them to child protective services. A simple accusation brings in the government Gestapo with armed guards into a home stirring up emotional turmoil and instilling fear. Remember Elian?
Does Elian look scared or happy?
The rights of privacy have been shoveled into the trash can of the 19th century. You have no rights of privacy on the internet. Absolutely, positively, no privacy rights at all on the internet.
Image via Wikipedia
Every e-mail, every chat room message, every instant message, every comment you have written is forever archived with your name. Every time you visit a website, that website deposits a tracking cookie on your hard drive. Some cookies are benign while other cookies are designed with the ability to track your movements over the internet after you leave the website. These tracking cookies spy on your internet activities and send these reports to its creator. All parents with children should scan their hard drive for these tracking cookies to help protect their children from porn. There was an old commercial that asked, "it's 10 pm,do you know where your children are?" In today's world, you need to ask, "if your children are on the internet, do you know where they have been?
The simple answer to children accessing pornography is for parents to demand all porn sites have “dot xxx” designation. This simple name change will help parents retain control over their children's internet viewing without the intrusive government intervention on parent's rights of privacy. The questions every parent should be asking the Justice Department is why hasn't this simple name change been implemented? The answer lies within the Market Media Matrix between advertisers, corporations, and profits.
Take the “Red pill”
There are many big and well- known companies who do not want to be affiliated with porn sites. However, by using “” designation, these porn sites are camouflaged among the legitimate web sites. The internet service providers are secretly making huge profits from porn sites. These porn sites uses massive amounts of bandwidth and are charged significantly. Thereby earning larger profits for the major telecommunications service providers.
Just as AT & T made huge profits off of their 900 numbers and phone sex numbers years ago. If you knew that company “xyz” was making 70% or more of their profits by hosting porn, would investors continue to own their stock? No!
Once these porn sites are identified with a “dot xxx“ designation instead of “”, investors can make a moral investment decision. The realization that using a ““ designation to identify porn sites would sharply curtail the earnings and profits for the major telecom companies who host porn sites. If people's moral indignation over porn causes the telecom's stock price to fall, there will be less advertising to the Market Media Matrix and less profits for shareholders.
The internet is designed to make money from advertising, selling products and services, meanwhile privacy is surrendered for that convenience. Just remember, while you are visiting a website, 10,000 Market Media Matrix advertisers are watching you!
God Bless
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