Sunday, June 13, 2004

Other Political Points

The International Forecaster

George W.Image via Wikipedia

I read some of Bob Chapman's articles. In this day and age of the Internet, it is very difficult to discern the truth. Lies and half-truths run amok in the Internet world created by anyone who has access to a computer. While some of the writings of Bob Chapman contains the truth, his political views may have influences to the point of being biases. His current article about the Federal Reserve'sPlunge Protection Team” is right on.

However linking the plunge protection team to the Bush’s Administration and the Fed may be a far reach. I agree with his writings about the “plunge protection team”, but who control’s the “PPT” is anyone’s guess.

To speculate who is in control of the world’s financial industry leads to things that go “bump in the dark”. I know from personal experiences in my younger days, you can spend considerable amount of time learning about “hidden conspiracies”. They make interesting conversations over you favorite “Black Label" drink when you find someone rare enough for intelligent discussions.

Just a bit of Black LabelImage by Longster47 via Flickr

Bob Chapman’s assumptions that the Fed works for President Bush, or they are working together to prop up the stock market are not correct. I have said, the Fed doesn’t work for anyone, but it’s own membership. Whatever the Fed’s goals are,
it is not to be primarily concerned with the stock market!

I am concerned that so many people see our war in Iraq and temporary occupation as negative. This may be caused by the news media’s biased goals of increasing ad revenue by publishing negative and demoralizing information without the proper context. Sure, there were mistakes made in the occupation, but to use “hindsight” to gauge our successes or failures is only playing into the hands of those “that are against us”.

America is not fearful of terrorists but we have made the terrorist fear us. We have the power to end terrorism, but we are may not have the “will power” to win the war on terrorism.

A U.S. Soldier from the Nemesis troop, 3rd Squ...Image via Wikipedia

Unlike certain European countries, who are fearful of terrorism, they have transferred their fear to America’s war on terrorism through self-abasement. The European countries secretly resent America’s help during World War II, because they could not defeat their very own tyrant and dictator. They resent America’s occupation after World War II, during the cold war, the end of the cold war, and the defeat of communism in favor of capitalism.

European countries have always had a strong appeasement attitude toward dictators and tyrants, and based upon their history, appeasement is always the wrong choice!

I will post this at the “ahead of the curve” group also, since this falls more into that category, than trading.

Thanks for the question Dan,

God Bless
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