News Media Traitors
We have been sold out by the news media. Watching the news media showing pictures of the Iraqis prisoner's humiliation be equated to level of atrocities at a Nazi concentration camp. The constant news media blitz, backed by the high percentage of democratic party members who run the major alphabet channels, is making me believe they are all traitors to the America ideals of "truth and justice for all". I witnessed the beginnings of the end of all truth within the news media after September 11, when those "on high, with their perfect hair and white teeth" DID NOT wear an American flag on their lapel. These sanctimonious pompous talking heads were not suppose to take sides, with the country the provided them with such blessings that their former country's could not. Most of the alphabet channels' talking heads and skirt still have their green cards in their wallets. With such arrogant attitudes, they have mis-led the America public by selecting the stories you see on television. They maximize the trivia stories and minimize the stories that will affect you and your children for years to come. These stories are nothing more than little trivia about the latest athlete, actor, or some other pop fad. During invasion of Iraq, the news media constantly minimized the military's ability to kick ass on the enemy, and maximized the enemy's ability to inflict casualties on the American forces. We were constantly reminded of the "Republican Guard", who would fight door to door against the "evil American invaders". After the war began, we went through "Elite Republican Guard" like a hot knife through butter.
When the American Advancing force stopped moving forward, because of supply chain limitations and a small sandstorm, the new media again tried to put a dagger in the American military back, "saying we told you so". When the military waltzed into Baghdad, during "Baghdad Bob's" news conference, which was saying, "we have defeated the American forces with heavy losses." The world knew we had the best and brightest military commanders and soldiers the world has ever known! No war in the history of the world, in both gulf wars inflicted so much damage to the enemy with so few losses on our side. The coup de grau was "embedding" reporters with "true American soldiers", reporting the truth unfiltered from the "Jane Fonda" wannabes in the editor's room. Witnessing the compassion, the kindness, of prisoners taken captive, after just shooting at "true Americans soldiers", who were giving first aid to the enemy. The news media was silent, but only for awhile. In our kindness, we made a fundamental mistake by not gathering the enemy into concentrations camps, but allowed them to put down their arms and return home. Less than 1 week after the statue of Saddam was torn down, the former Iraqi soldiers who we let go home, were in the streets protesting American occupation. During the restoration, The news media, once again, trivialize our efforts to restore power, build roads, schools, and hospitals, while maximizing the former Iraqi soldiers in civilian clothing protesting.
Have you seen American soldiers giving candy to the children of Iraq? Have you see American soldiers praying before they risk their lives patrolling the streets to stop looters? Have you seen pictures of Americans helping the sick and injured enemy, or feeding and clothing the enemy?
The last straw for me was watching gleeful burning and dismemberment of the civilian contractors in Fallujah. I cannot express my level of outrage in this forum. If I were in charge, "puff the magic dragon" would have cleared those streets. (Ask a soldier what "puff the magic dragon" is if you don't know) There is nothing worse than seeing burning and desecrated bodies, except a large crowd celebrating the death of Americans.
Have you seen the pictures of Fallujah? NO, the news media says the pictures are too graphic, but the real truth is they don't want to wake up American Patriotism like after Sept. 11. They, the news media, don't want you know the true face of the enemy. The enemy's face is Satanic at it's core base, and evil will prosper until the mask is lifted. The news media is supposed to report the facts, not filter the facts. But it all boils down to hiding the truth, until a bigger tragedy befalls America caused by the news media's lullaby. You, your children, and your grand children will pay the price for the news media's lullaby unless you act now!
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse with the news media's biases, out comes the psychological humiliation pictures of some hard core prisoners. Over the last two weeks, I have witnessed my president apologize, the secretary, the generals, for something that is very trivial. Why do I call these incidents trivial? Humiliation is done every day in maximum security prisons in America, these same acts seen in the photos can be seen in some sex clubs in Major U.S. cities every day, and lastly, these acts of humiliation were every day events in the last presidential administration. Yet the news media has maximized the trivial, while minimizing the true atrocities of public beheadings of an American and an Italian.
I have witnessed the grand standing of democrats during an open senate hearing, fortifying our evil enemy. The enemy has satellite television, with all the alphabet channels, they see and hear our news media tear down the whole military based on few isolated incidents.
Did we ever hear an apology from Saddam, who knew the true face of the satanic enemy, while he was throwing them off buildings, or putting them into plastic shredders, or raping children in front of their parents, or drilling holes in body parts?
Yet, once again, our kindness is viewed as weakness, and the news media loves to exploit any and all mistakes.
Will we see the beheading of another American tomorrow, or
the beheading of the Italian citizen? The true face of evil will probably be hidden again, in favor of the more humiliation pictures, or the stock market's rise, or more senate grandstanding during a public hearing. The true enemy is within!
God Bless
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