Sunday, February 05, 2006

Sapient Super Bowl Surveillance.

Sapient Super Bowl Surveillance.

Super Bowl XXVIII logoImage via Wikipedia

The real super bowl is not the game itself, but the Sapient Stealth Surveillance of those who are attending the super bowl. In previous years after 911 there were many discussions on the safety and security of large media events using new technologies to enhance security. There is very little talk about these security measures, mainly due to their wide spread acceptance and realization that the Market Media Matrix has imposed these stealth surveillance measures, with or without your knowledge. As I have pointed out in previous blogs, the Google God is a False God; we are indeed living in an Orwellian society. Yet those who attend the Super Bowl and other sporting events are accepting the invasion of their privacy without as much as a whimper. The "dumbing down" of Americans has continued to the point where ignorance is bliss.

The Sapient Stealth Super bowl Surveillance begins before the events happen and before the arrival of many of its participants arrive in the city. Starting with the airports, hotels, and traffic lights, participants are monitored and tracked by their credit cards and cellular phones. Since 911, all new cell phone have a global positioning chip installed within each unit, owners are matched with phone records and credit cards verifying their true identities. During the events, every one's picture will be taken, cataloged, and criminal background inquiries made.

Criminal Minds with Wil WheatonImage by heath_bar via Flickr

Earlier this week, we were told that cellar phone records can be made available to anyone through the internet. The legislatures only began to discuss laws concerning privacy when their phone records were being made public also. No one knows how long this has been going on, but is just another example of the Market Media Matrix infiltrating society's right to privacy for profit. History teaches us that absolute power corrupts absolutely; our society is heading toward absolute power within the Market Media Matrix substituting privacy for profit.

Google has been the focus of these issues lately due to their control over the internet for profit. They have been most notorious of penalizing those who oppose the Google God's commandments by accepting or declining inclusion of websites within their search index.

They have taken on well named corporations for violating the "Google Commandments" such at BMW and Dell. The case with BMW was ruled inappropriate behavior of creating doorway pages to their website. A serious violation of the commandments which was punished by removing all backward links from the BMW websites and assigning a rating of 0 on the Google scale (

IN the case of Dell, the Google God exposed private information to the pubic by indexing trade secrets on future lap top configurations. (,39024667,39156123,00.htm)

Google's answer to theses simple privacy vs. profit concerns was the creation of a private internet which they can control and do with as they wish. The rumors are Google plans to take the internet private. (,,9075-2023600,00.html)

The Market Media Matrix is starved for revenue there are plans to charge for sending email. The biggest proponents of these ideas are the major telecoms companies,(AOL), and Yahoo.
"Postage Is Due for Companies Sending E-Mail","Companies will soon have to buy the electronic equivalent of a postage stamp if they want to be certain that their e-mail will be delivered to many of their customers" This amounts to internet "blackmail" since paying customers will be assured of email delivery, while the non-paying customers are not. Postage Is Due for Companies Sending E-Mail.

The End of the Internet?

The major telecoms are also trying to privatize a "new internet" for a fee, in order to replace the revenue they are loosing from the free internet. "Verizon, Comcast, Bell South and other communications giants are developing strategies that would track and store information on your every move in cyberspace in a vast data-collection and marketing system, the scope of which could rival the "National Security Agency"(NSA).

Two men with painted faces, for the charity Ch...Image via Wikipedia

Now with all the painted faces, people will begin to file into the stadium, to watch men play a sport, much like the gladiatorial days of Rome, cheering for their favorite side to win. They should know their false Gods are watching their every move. The Market Media Matrix has emerged it a formidable force. Sooner than later, the Market Media Matrix will have absolute power over everything you cherish in this life.

Ok, so you are watching the “game” at home...

Think you are safe from the Market Media Matrix?
Think again, you are watching the game on cable or satellite,
guess who is watching you?

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